*Article not assigned to an issue yet
BC1F2n , Disease, F3n , Kurtosis, Resistance, Watermelon, Skewness
Breeding of watermelons to multiple diseases resistance (Fusarium wilt and Watermelon Bud Necrosis Virus) was advanced by BIL-53, a pre-bred line resistance to WBNV developed from the underexploited species Citrullus amarus, and an exotic collection EC794455, which is resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum race 2. The breeding population was advanced to F3 population (BIL-53 × EC794455), among the population fruit weight was acknowledged 300 g to 4184 g, fruit length of 6.90 cm to 20.10 cm, fruit width of 7 cm to 19.90 cm and TSS (°B) was segregated from 1.6 to 8.1. The data of the population skewed positively and positive kurtosis indicated the normal distribution. The backcross population advanced from BC1F1 to BC1F2 [(BIL-53× EC794455) × EC794455]. Among the backcross population, the fruit weighed from 182 g to 6100 g, fruit length of 7.10 cm to 21.90 cm, fruit width of 4.10 cm to 22.90 cm and TSS (°B) ranged from 1 to 6.3. Data of the population skewed positively and negative kurtosis indicated the non-normal distribution of populations due to the paternal influence of the parent on the backcrossed population.
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ICAR- ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 560089.