Prof. Ashish Bhatnagar


Prof Ashish Bhatanagar is Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology besides being the Director, Algae Biofuel & Biomolecules Centre at Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer 305009 Rajasthan. Prior to it he worked at Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Biorefining and Carbon Cycling Program, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, The University of Georgia, Athens GA 30602.
Dr Bhatnagar obtained his Ph.D. in Microbiology in 1993 and M.Sc. (Microbiology) both from Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India, 1989 as Gold Medalist. His article “Microalgae cultivation in a wastewater dominated by carpet mill effluents for biofuel applications” has been listed amongst the Science Direct top 25 most downloaded articles.
Dr Bhatnagar is the recipient of many awards including the Young Scientist (Bioenergy) Award, 2010 by Society for Plant Research; Commonwealth Academic staff fellowships for the project on Cyanobacteria Biofilms. He has been granted many patents especially on various research outcome especially on algae and phytoremediation. He has more than 50 research papers to his credit and has successfully run 6 major research projects funded by DST, MoEF, ICAR. He produced 4 PhDs and developed the first department of Microbiology at M D S University, Ajmer.