Dr. Bhaben Tanti is presently serving as Professor & Head, Department of Botany; Director, Research and Development Cell (RDC); Director, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Gauhati University, Guwahati (Assam).
Dr Tanti did his graduation and post graduation from Dibrugarh University in 1994 and obtained his post graduate degree in 1997 having Specialization in Cytogenetics & Plant Breeding from Gauhati University, Guwahati (Assam). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2007 in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at Tezpur University and postdoc through DBT Overseas Associate (2013-14) at Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oklahoma State University, USA.
Dr Tanti is a Life Member of various national and international societies including Society for Plant Research (SPR). He has published 132 research papers with h index 22 with 1551 Citations in various reputed national and international journal of high repute. Besides this he authored 12 book chapters and 1 book.
Dr Tanti so far guided 15 students leading to their PhD degree besides supervising 16 M.Phil. And 2 postdoc fellows. He successfully completed 8 Research Projects funded by the DBT, DST, IGNOU, India-Japan research grant. One project is outgoing. For research assignment, Dr Tanti also visited Japan, China and USA at various occasions. His major area of research is Molecular stress physiology of crop plants, Climate Change and conservation of RET plants.