Adopted Cropping Systems, Tillage Practices and Subsistence of Shire to May-Dimu Area Residing Farmers


Research Article | Published:

Print ISSN : 0970-4078.
Online ISSN : 2229-4473.
Pub Email:
Doi: 10.5958/2229-4473.2018.00107.6
First Page: 138
Last Page: 141
Views: 2067

Keywords: Cropping system, Farming practices, Crop cultivation, Lively hood, Dry land agriculture


Farming residents local practices in cropping systems and the way of living in Shire and May-Dimu areas were viewed, in this paper through experiences devised from field excursions, practical demonstrations, field visits, interviews and personal communication in the last four years to the areas. This paper is developed to introduce adopted cropping systems and situations of lively hoods in the areas. There are occasional local practices in developing cropping systems by farmers basically for the sake of crop preference, weed control and scared farm land. Major crops grown in different cropping patters include teff, maize, sorghum, finger millet, niger seed, chickpea and grass pea. Major irrigated vegetables included seldom to the cropping patterns are tomato, pepper, cabbage, lettuce and switchyard. There is a mixed farming system in which crop cultivation and animal rearing are practiced in its dry lands. Agricultural productivity is too low and the way of lively hood is so hard to fulfill a daily bread to households. Farmers and families are subjected to migrate to towns to labor at off farming seasons for a subsidiary income. Child education is also difficult since children might be required to finance their fees and schools are distant. There is an immediate need for intervention for the social resilience in these areas.

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Author Information

Temesgen Kebede Dubale*
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Science, Debre Berhan University, Ethiopia
Worku Mengesha Estifo
College of Agriculture, Wolkite University, Ethiopia