Keywords: Algal communities, Brick kiln industry, Pollution, Sediment, Water chemistry
Algal communities were investigated in man-made marshes near a coal-fired brick kiln industry located in India. A total of 68 algal species under 32 genera representing Cyanophyceae (8), Chlorophyceae (31), Bacillariophyceae (28) and Euglenophyceae (1) were recorded. Algal diversity was correlated with environmental factors of the marsh. Pearson’s correlation coefficients revealed a positive correlation of diversity index with dissolved oxygen (r = 0.87, p ≤ 0.01) and soil organic carbon (r = 0.969, p ≤ 0.05). The pH of the water was found to be ~ 6.0. The marshes were found to be both mesotrophic and oligotrophic as indicated by Lake Condition Index (LCI). Algal species belonging to genera Oscillatoria, Closterium, Scenedesmus, Gomphonema, Navicula, Nitzschia and Euglena were observed as pollution indicator species. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of different algal groups and marsh environmental factors revealed influence of DO (dissolved oxygen), electrical conductivity, pH, free CO2, TDS (total dissolved solids) and BD (bulk density) on algal growth. The species Closterium decorum, Netrium digitus, Scenedesmus kissii, Spirogyra mirabilis, Eunotia alpina, Frustulia saxonica were the common colonizers in the marshes adjoining the brick manufacturing site.
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Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Assam University, Silchar, India