Cabral Nadhine Nostrani, Pescador Rosete, Pinheiro Marcos Vinícius Marques, Ornellas Thiago Sanches, Rizzolo Rafaela Gadret, Bordallo Samya Uchôa, Guterres Suelen Martinez, Gris Tainara, Pinheiro Marcos Vinícius Marques, Ornellas Thiago Sanches
Keywords: Light spectrums, LED lights, Brazilian orchids, Epidendrum
Epidendrum denticulatum is a Brazilian orchid species with few studies related to its physiology during the acclimatization process. This work aimed to understand and elucidate how this species respond to LED lights at the end of in vitro culture and during the ex vitro acclimatization. 14 weeks old plants of the species, originated from seeds cultivated in MS medium, were subjected to blue (B), red (R), and white (W) monochromatic LEDs along with blue/red (B/R) combination for 90 days. Plants were evaluated on the 90th day of in vitro culture under LED lights and the 45th day of acclimatization under natural light. Morphometric parameters were analyzed which included dry and fresh mass, number of leaves, plant height; photosynthetic pigments i.e., chlorophyll, carotenoid, and anthocyanin content along with physiological parameters such as chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange. LED lights did not influenced the survival of the species but some morphological, biochemical and physiological parameters were influenced by the wavelength to which the plants were exposed. Higher fresh mass and dry mass under in vitro conditions were obtained with W light. B light provided a higher value of anthocyanins in in vitro and a lower rate of net photosynthesis under ex vitro conditions. Higher total chlorophyll values were obtained under B/R light. B and B/R wavelengths induced higher Fv/Fm values. 100% survival of the plants were obtained, regardless of the LED applied. W LED light can be indicated for the cultivation of this species during the phases in which the plants were studied, since under this spectral quality the plants developed well and showed good development parameters, in addition they are more available in the market for cheaper rates. This study contributes to a better understanding of the morpho-physiology of Brazilian orchid and is the first study dedicated to the study of the acclimatization of the species E. denticulatum.
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Postgraduate Program in Plant Genetic Resources, Center of Agrarian Sciences, Santa Catarina Federal University, Florianópolis, Brazil