Edge-interior disparities in tree species and structural composition of Poba Reserve Forest (PRF), Assam at the foothills of himalayas


Research Articles | Published:

Print ISSN : 0970-4078.
Online ISSN : 2229-4473.
Pub Email: contact@vegetosindia.org
Doi: 10.1007/s42535-023-00610-8
First Page: 277
Last Page: 285
Views: 1765

Keywords: Distribution pattern, Diversity indexes, Population dynamic, Regeneration, Tropical semi-evergreen


The present study was conducted in edge (EH) and interior (IH) habitats of Poba Reserve Forest (PRF), Dhemaji, Assam, at the foothills of Himalayas during the year 2021–2022 by random quadrat method. Overall, 71 tree species (belonging to 61 genera and 27 families) were recorded from the PRF. Tree species in IH (63 species) were higher than in EH (54 species). Total density and total basal cover of trees were higher in EH (1033.33 stems ha− 1 and 7.71 m2 ha− 1 respectively) than in IH (1000.00 stems ha− 1 and 6.53 m2 ha− 1 respectively). The majority of tree species in both habitats showed clumped distribution patterns. Shannon Weiner’s index, Simpson’s index, and Margalef’s richness index were better in IH (3.94, 0.02 and 11.79 respectively) than in EH (3.69, 0.03 and 9.52 respectively). However, Pielou’s evenness index was higher in EH (0.95) than in IH (0.79). The Sorenson’s similarity index of both habitats was 84%. Diversity of both habitats was not significantly different (P < 0.05) in terms of tree species diversity, as indicated by Hutchenson’s t-test. Poor, fair, or no regeneration of majority of tree species in both habitats is of major concern. The collection of timbers and other NTFPs; and grazing by domestic livestock were prominent in EH. All these coupled with seasonal flood, and annual forest fire are major threats to the sustainability of PRF. Imparting awareness about the importance of biodiversity to the locals and the proper execution of forest laws can positively contribute to the conservation of the forest ecosystem and its resources.

Distribution pattern, Diversity indexes, Population dynamic, Regeneration, Tropical semi-evergreen

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We would like to thank the Office of the Range Forest Officer, Jonai Sub-Division, Dhemaji District, Government of Assam for permitting us to work inside the PRF. We would also like to thank Mr. Mukut Rabha (Range Forest Officer), Mr. Biren Baruah (Beat Officer) and Mr. Krishno Kanto Konwar, Mr. Kamaleswar Hazarika, Mr. Surendar Morang, Mr. Nabin Singh and Dharmeswar Daflari (Forest guards) who helped us in field works.

Author Information

Yumnam J. Y.
Department of Botany, Cotton University, Guwahati, India
Deori Hiya
Department of Botany, Cotton University, Guwahati, India