Preliminary results of mixed afforestation experiment of Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don in Southern Fujian China

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Research Articles | Published:

DOI: 10.1007/s42535-020-00129-2
First Page: 458
Last Page: 465
Views: 2197

Keywords: Betula alnoides buch.-ham. ex d. don, Mixed forest, Tree height, Diameter at breast height (DBH), Volume, Pests and diseases


For studying the optimal mixed pattern, the tissue-cultured seedlings of Betula alnoides Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don were introduced to southern Fujian for the mixed afforestation experiments in April 2017. The mixed species were B. alnoides mixed with Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. and Castanopsis hystrix Miq., respectively. For mixed forest of B. alnoides and C. hystrix, five treatments were set; for mixed forest of B. alnoides and C. lanceolata, four treatments were set. Two years later the results showed there was no significant difference between different patterns on the tree height, DBH or volume respectively in the mixed forest of B. alnoides and C. hystrix, neither B. alnoides nor C. hystri. There were significant and highly significant differences between different patterns on the tree height, DBH or volume of B. alnoides respectively in the mixed forest of B. alnoides and C. hystrix, but no significant and highly significant differences between different patterns on the tree height, DBH or volume of C. lanceolata respectively. The termites, crickets, longicorn beetles and Lymantria xylina Swinhoe were found damaging B. alnoides in Wanshiqing area, and the L. xylina damaged C. hystrix as well. There were no serious pests or diseases in the mixed forest of B. alnoides and C. lanceolata in Beijing area. The pure forest of B. alnoides was the best to develop in Southern Fujian China.

Betula alnoides buch.-ham. ex d. don, Mixed forest, Tree height, Diameter at breast height (DBH), Volume, Pests and diseases


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Author Information

Fujian Academy of Forestry Sciences, Fuzhou, China