Prosopis cineraria: a potential functional food for improving sports performance


Review Articles | Published:

DOI: 10.1007/s42535-022-00556-3
First Page: 1
Last Page: 5
Views: 1735

Keywords: n Prosopis cinerarian , Nutritional value, Food applications, Health benefits, Functional food, Sports performance


Prosopis cineraria is an important tree species of the Indian desert. Keeping in mind this tree is declared the state tree of Rajasthan and also designated as “Kalpvriksh” of Rajasthan for its economic importance. Apart from traditional established use for its food and nutritional values various studies have been conducted and established its health benefits. In this review article, nutritional value, food applications, phytochemicals and health benefits of P. cineraria has been reviewed. Present review is an attempt to establish its food value and health benefits which may be beneficial to sports persons. This plant can fulfill the motto of sports nutrition to bring the potential of an athlete for the performance by using supplements.


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Author Information

Department of Sports Bioscience, Central University of Rajasthan, Bandarsindri, Ajmer, Kishangarh, India