Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) growth and gas exchange responses to exogenous ascorbic acid and irrigation levels

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Research Articles | Published:

Print ISSN : 0970-4078.
Online ISSN : 2229-4473.
Pub Email: contact@vegetosindia.org
Doi: 10.1007/s42535-022-00422-2
First Page: 566
Last Page: 574
Views: 1926

Keywords: Antioxidant, Biomass allocation, Instantaneous carboxylation efficiency, Irrigation, Tuberous roots


Plant growth and development depends on water availability and a scarcity or excess can reduce the production of root crops such as radishes. Thus, adequate irrigation levels for radish plants are essential to avoid water stress, and strategies should be developed to overcome negative stress effects and improve tuberous root production. Here, we aimed to determine the effects of exogenous ascorbic acid (AA) and irrigation levels on radish growth, biomass allocation, and photosynthetic responses. Radish plants were irrigated with a water holding capacity (WHC) of 100% (W100, control), 70% (W70), and 50% (W50) and foliar sprayed with 0 and 2 mM AA. Growth parameters (root diameter, length and volume; and leaf number and area), biomass accumulation (shoot and root fresh weight; shoot, root and total dry weight), biomass allocation (shoot/root ratio and organ mass fractions) and gas exchange (carbon assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration, intercellular CO2 concentration and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency) were evaluated. The growth of radish plants was impaired when irrigated with W100, probably due to water-logging in the soil, which reduced shoot and root growth and the carbon assimilation rate (A) compared with W50 and W70. Ascorbic acid affected biomass allocation parameters and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency (A/Ci), but not growth and biomass accumulation. W70 was the optimal condition for radish growth and biomass accumulation, regardless of exogenous AA.

Antioxidant, Biomass allocation, Instantaneous carboxylation efficiency, Irrigation, Tuberous roots

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This study was funded by CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil), FAPESQ/UFPB (Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado da Paraíba/Universidade Federal da Paraíba), CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior), and the Public Call n. 03 Produtividade em Pesquisa PROPESQ/PRPG/UFPB—Proposal code PVO13257-2020. We would like to thank Editage (www.editage.com) for English language editing.

Author Information

Henschel Juliane Maciel
Graduate Program in Agronomy (PPGA), Federal University of Paraíba, Areia, Brazil

de Azevedo Soares Vanessa
Departamento de Agricultura, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Bananeiras, Brazil

Figueiredo Mateus Caldeira
Departamento de Agricultura, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Bananeiras, Brazil

dos Santos Sabrina Kelly
Graduate Program in Agronomy (PPGA), Federal University of Paraíba, Areia, Brazil

Dias Thiago Jardelino
Graduate Program in Agronomy (PPGA), Federal University of Paraíba, Areia, Brazil