Keywords: C. forskohlii , Genetic diversity, RAPD, ISSR, AMOVA, Garhwal Himalaya
Coleus forskohlii is an important medicinal plant belonging to family Lamiaceae. It grows wild along a wide altitude range of subtropical climate throughout the Himalayan region. It has been reported to possess medicinal properties and analyzed by researchers worldwide for its therapeutic potential. Considering the wide altitudinal range of its occurrence and its use as a medicinal herb it becomes imperative to decipher genetic diversity of C. forksohlii from different locations. In Garhwal Himalayan region it is used by locals and tribal communities for treating various ailments. Thus, the current study was designed to analyze the genetic variations in accordance with metabolic diversity of C. forskohlii. The genetic diversity studies were carried out using PCR based DNA amplification profile of C. forskohlii using RAPD and ISSR markers within and among10 populations of C. forskohlii collected from various location of Garhwal Himalaya. An average 8.2 bands ranging between 620 and 7600 bp with an 0.65 PIC value were recorded in RAPD analysis while the ISSR analysis recorded an average 8.67 bands ranging between 400 and 7000 bp having 81.16% polymorphism. The results suggested that genetic variations exists between these populations of different locations. The combined results of both markers recorded Jaccard’s similarity index ranging between 0.306 and 0.857. AMOVA revealed 63% variance among population and 37% variance within population, ɸPT was found to be 0.631which indicates high genetic variation. Thus, looking at the irrational use of C. forskohlii from wild for local use and trade the conservation of all of its population is required. This study suggests that, while making the conservation strategies all such populations (or varieties) needs to be accounted.
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Department of Biotechnology, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, India