Adbarzi Soad Shaban Mohamed, Tripathi Pooja, Choudhary Krishna Kumar, Kant Rajiv
Keywords: Physico-chemical parameter, Wastewater, Municipal wastewater treatment plants, Ganges river
Safe discharge of wastewater is still a difficult problem in every part of the world mainly in developing countries. The discharge of wastewater affects the physicochemical properties of receiving water streams and soil which enters into the food chain and affects agriculture products, animal and human health. The present study was focused on the physicochemical properties of pre and post-treated wastewater samples from 04 different municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) of Jhunsi (16 MLD), Salori (29 MLD), Rajapur (60 MLD), Naini (80 MLD) and their receiving Ganges river in Prayagraj (Allahabad), India. Water quality parameters such as pH, total dissolved solid (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity (EC), turbidity, biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), chloride and total hardness were analyzed. All parameters investigated were analyzed using standard methods. The results indicated that the WWTPs of Prayagraj region were effectively working and reducing the TDS, BOD and COD to acceptable limits.
Department of Molecular and Cellular Engineering, Jacob Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Prayagraj, India