Biogenic synthesis of selenium nanomaterial and its application as anti-Nematode booster in Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato)

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Research Articles | Published:

DOI: 10.1007/s42535-022-00546-5
First Page: 1458
Last Page: 1464
Views: 1612

Keywords: Selenium nanoparticles, Nematicidal, Protease inhibition, Nano fertilizers, Meloidogyne


The biogenic selenium nanomaterial (SeNPs) are eco-friendly and reported as nano-fertilizers for alleviating the crops biotic and abiotic stresses. SeNPs were synthesized using a soil-friendly microbe, the Rhizobium sp., and used as a nematicidal booster in Solanum lycopersicum (Tomato) PUSA120. These SeNPs were characterized by SEM with EDX, and DLS determined the particle size. The UV Visible spectrum at 268 nm confirmed the synthesis of SeNPs. The aqueous concentrations of these nanomaterials, i.e., 5, 10, and 50 ppm, were tested as foliar spray treatment for up to 40 days. The plants were grown for 90 days and observed for the yield of crops artificially infected with Meloidogyne. Some treated and control plants were sacrificed after 40 days for morphological characterization and biomass analysis. The tested concentration of 10 ppm aqueous SeNPs spray showed a significant reduction in Meloidogyne infections, i.e., root galls, eggs in an ootheca, and increased biomass. After 90 days, it was observed that the 10 ppm treatment enhanced the tomato yield. The underlying mechanism was the induction of protease inhibitors in roots and leaves in the presence of nano selenium. A higher concentration, like 50 ppm, proved to be a growth inhibitor. Hence, SeNPs may be safe and a good economical agro material.

Selenium nanoparticles, Nematicidal, Protease inhibition, Nano fertilizers, Meloidogyne


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Author Information

School of Life Sciences, Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalagoan, India