Chlorophyll fluorescence and antioxidants activity as influenced by zinc nutrition in wheat under late sown conditions


Research Articles | Published:

Print ISSN : 0970-4078.
Online ISSN : 2229-4473.
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Doi: 10.1007/s42535-022-00552-7
First Page: 1509
Last Page: 1516
Views: 1406

Keywords: Zinc, Wheat, Late sowing, Heat stress, Chlorophyll fluorescence, Antioxidants


Delayed sowing has grievous effect on the yield in wheat crop due to high temperature at grain filling stage leading to terminal heat stress. This field experiment was conducted to discern the impact of different modes of ZnSO4 application in mitigating delayed sowing induced heat stress in wheat varieties through analyzing chlorophyll fluorescence and antioxidants activity. A field experiment was laid out with three varieties of wheat viz., UP 2425 (V1), UP 2565 (V2) and HD 3059 (V3) sown at late sown conditions. Four zinc treatments viz., T1: soil ZnSO4 application @ 25 kg ha− 1, T2: foliar ZnSO4 spray (0.5%), T3: soil ZnSO4 application @ 25 kg ha− 1 + foliar ZnSO4 spray (0.5%) and a control treatment without any ZnSO4 were applied at tillering, panicle emergence and grain filling stages. Chlorophyll fluorescence and antioxidants activity were recorded at panicle emergence and grain filling stages along with grain yield after harvesting. All the zinc treatments improved grain yield, chlorophyll fluorescence, proline content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione reductase (GR) activity compared to control in the late sown wheat crop. Among all the ZnSO4 treatments, foliar and foliar + soil treatments were found more effective in mitigating heat stress followed by soil treatment alone. The findings of this study divulged that zinc nutrition imparted heat tolerance and augmented grain yield in late sown wheat owing to enhanced antioxidants activity which protected chloroplast membranes and photosynthetic apparatus from heat stress damage implied by delayed sowing.

Zinc, Wheat, Late sowing, Heat stress, Chlorophyll fluorescence, Antioxidants

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we thank Dr. V.P. Singh, Professor, Dept. of Agronomy, GBPUAT, Pantnagar for providing land, seed material, fertilizers and labor for the experiment at Norman E. Borlaug crop research centre, Pantnagar.

Author Information

Chatti Dheeraj
Department of Plant Physiology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, India
Kumar Atul
Department of Plant Physiology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, India