Pigment composition analysis of selected green microalgae through multivariate analysis and their potential as high value nutraceuticals

Research Articles | Published:

DOI: 10.1007/s42535-022-00562-5
First Page: 1496
Last Page: 1508
Views: 1553

Keywords: Chemotaxonomic markers, Antioxidants activity, Pigment composition, Principal component, Factor analysis


The microalgae are reported to have potential in the area of natural colours and antioxidants. In view of this, selected green microalgal strains were studied in terms of chlorophyll, carotenoids and phenolics at different days of incubation and a distinct variability was recorded for these parameters. Pigment analyses was carried out to identify the influence of these variables on each other and possible insight on providing a biomarker for communities. Mean chlorophyll content of 29.9 µg/mg dry cell wt. amongst the micro algal strains with the highest (50.4 µg/mg dry cell wt) was recorded at 14th day. Carotenoids were highest (61.3 µg/mg dry cell wt.) in Dictyosphaerium MCC 11 at 14th day, which also accounted for the highest content of phenolics (312.3 µg GAE/mg dry cell wt.). The results were grouped and correlated through multivariate analysis in order to determine which variables define and differentiate them in a better manner. Positive correlations amongst total chlorophyll and carotenoids and negative correlation between chlorophyll and phenolics were also observed. Chlorophyll and carotenoids showed greater influence on 14 days while phenolics showed greater impact at 30th day. Clustering and factor analyses of pigments outline four communities as a representation of functional types. Unique statistical relationships were found amongst studied parameters using principal component analysis and can serve as the basis of predictive models. Pigment composition and chlorophyll content depict an index of biomass and can be simplified to use taxon specific chemotaxonomic marker as a representation for biomass.

Chemotaxonomic markers, Antioxidants activity, Pigment composition, Principal component, Factor analysis


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Author Information

Division of Microbiology, Centre for Conservation and Utilization of Blue Green Algae, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India