Shelf life extension of Grewia berries using layer-by-layer edible coatings

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Research Articles | Published:

Print ISSN : 0970-4078.
Online ISSN : 2229-4473.
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Doi: 10.1007/s42535-022-00527-8
First Page: 1326
Last Page: 1336
Views: 1745

Keywords: Phalsa, n Grewia subinequinalisn , CMC, Soy protein isolate, PME activity, Anthocyanins, Storage


Phalsa (Grewia subinequalis L.) berries also known as Dhamani/Star apple are dark purplish in colour, tiny, tender and acidic in taste. These berries are highly perishable and have poor storage life (< 2 days) under ambient conditions. Different combinations of edible coating materials based on polysaccharides, protein and lipids were applied to Phalsa to extend their shelf life. The use of locally available materials like Aloe vera, guar gum, and aonla juice was also considered. Besides these, two layer-by-layer coatings (LBL) were also applied on berries and kept under refrigerated conditions (4 ± 2 °C) for storage upto 9 days. All coating treatments were found significantly effective in minimizing quality deterioration compared to control. Our findings suggest that LBL coatings are more effective in maintaining quality whilst coatings from locally available resources can also help in extending their shelf life moderately (6 days). LBL based coatings yielded effective results, providing phalsa fruits with good appearance, reduced physiological loss in weight (9.3% compared to 14.11% in control) and respiration rate (5.7% lower). Higher firmness (52%), reducing sugars (32.38%) and better colouration were recorded for LBL coated fruits over conventional coatings. LBL coating based on soy protein isolate-CMC could effectively extend the shelf life upto 7 days under refrigerated conditions.

Phalsa, n              Grewia subinequinalisn            , CMC, Soy protein isolate, PME activity, Anthocyanins, Storage

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The authors are thankful to Post Graduate School, IARI for providing fellowship to Sindhu C. We also acknowledge the help of Director, ICAR-CIAH, Bikaner for providing facilities and material for research.

Author Information

Chinnaswamy Sindhu
Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India

Rudra Shalini Gaur
Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India

Reddy Vijay Rakesh
Central Institute of Arid Horticulture (CIAH), Bikaner, India

Awasthi O. P.
Division of Fruit Science and Horticulture Technology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India

Kaur Charanjit
Division of Food Science and Postharvest Technology, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India