Structural variation in sexual reproductive bodies in the members of oömycetes

Review Articles | Published:

Print ISSN : 0970-4078.
Online ISSN : 2229-4473.
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Doi: 10.1007/s42535-022-00471-7
First Page: 275
Last Page: 293
Views: 1526

Keywords: Oömycetes, Sexual reproductive bodies, Aquatic, Terrestrial, Amphibious forms


An up-to-date information on the variability in sexual reproductive bodies in the members of oömycetes, viz., the nature, structure and the variation in oögonia, antheridia, oöspheres and oöspores; has been discussed and reviewed. Besides other genera belonging to Oömycota, seven additional genera (recently described), viz., Halophytophthora, Newbya, Phytopythium, Calycofera, Salisapilia, Nothophytophthora and Girishia have also been taken into consideration in this review. On the basis of variability in sexual reproductive bodies, the oömycetes have been categorized into four basic groups: purely aquatic forms, purely terrestrial forms and the two amphibious forms, firstly, the aquatic amphibious those which are aquatic and exhibit transitional terrestrial characters and secondly, terrestrial amphibious those which are terrestrial and show certain reminiscent aquatic features.

Oömycetes, Sexual reproductive bodies, Aquatic, Terrestrial, Amphibious forms

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Author Information

Prabhuji Shakti K.
Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Centre, M.G. Post Graduate College, Gorakhpur, India