Evaluation of major anti-nutritional factors in oilseed Brassica

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Research Articles | Published:

DOI: 10.1007/s42535-022-00425-z
First Page: 591
Last Page: 598
Views: 1620

Keywords: Total glucosinolates, Phytic acid, Crude fiber, Erucic acid


Forty five cultivated varieties of oilseed Brassica belonging to 7 different taxa were analyzed for major antinutritional factors glucosinolates, phytic acid and crude fiber content in seed meal fraction and erucic acid in oil fraction. The glucosinolate content was found to be highest in the Brassica rapa var. Toria group (172.80 μmol/g) with highest level recorded by variety PT 30 (204.77 μmol/g). Varieties belonging to the Eruca sativa (119.05 μmol/g) group were found to have the low glucosinolate content with Brassica carinata variety Pusa Aditya (69.74 μmol/g) recording lowest level. Phytate content was high in the Brassica carinata group (3.31%) with highest level observed in Ragini (6.15%) which is a Yellow Sarson variety. Brassica juncea group (1.2%) showed very low levels of phytate with lowest level found in variety RH 781 (0.2%). Average crude fiber content was highest in Brown sarson group (10.98%) with highest crude fiber content observed in Brassica juncea variety RH0406 (13.39%). The yellow sarson group showed low crude fiber content among all the species with lowest content observed in the variety Jhumka (6.43%). The yellow sarson group exhibited the highest average erucic acid content (40.33%) among all the species with highest level in variety YSH 401 (48.51%). The Brassica napus group showed lowest average erucic acid content (20.71%) with lowest level in variety Neelam (14.12%). The variation in these factors may help to identify potential sources for quality breeding programmes.

Total glucosinolates, Phytic acid, Crude fiber, Erucic acid


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ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, India