In silico structural analysis and ligand-binding predictions of a few developmental stage specific-proteins during in vitro morphogenesis in Vanilla


Research Articles | Published:

Print ISSN : 0970-4078.
Online ISSN : 2229-4473.
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Doi: 10.1007/s42535-020-00140-7
First Page: 570
Last Page: 579
Views: 2080

Keywords: Vanilla , In vitro morphogenesis, Proteins, Homology modeling, Molecular docking


Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Jacks. ex Andrews) is an orchid. It is adored for vanillin, a unique flavouring principle, used in numerous products. The production of Vanilla is dependent on in vitro mass propagation. Since it is a recalcitrant plant, its callus-based regeneration is often enigmatic. The present study reports a few development-stage specific proteins, their structural analysis and ligand-binding predictions, which are essential for the undifferentiated callus of Vanilla during the transition to the differentiated state. Of these proteins, the up regulation of Light-independent protochlorophyllide reductase in the dark grown-callus and retaining the same when the callus was placed under light after subculture to regeneration medium possibly indicated that it helped the callus to acquire its autotrophic stature that is vital for its self-sustenance in the differentiated state. Additionally, the up regulation of Phloem protein 2 in the callus and regenerating callus is an important finding since translocation of solutes is of utmost importance for the formation of the conductive elements, which are necessary for the development of the organized structures for the undifferentiated tissue to convert into the differentiated state.

              , In vitro morphogenesis, Proteins, Homology modeling, Molecular docking

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We are grateful to the Director, Bose Institute for the financial and infrastructural support. The first author (MS) acknowledges the financial assistance by UGC (University Grants Commission, India). For the technical assistance of proteomics analysis we are thankful to Mr Jadab Ghosh and Mrs Kaberi Ghosh.

Author Information

Sultana Marufa
Division of Plant Biology, Bose Institute, Kolkata, India
Gangopadhyay Gaurab
Division of Plant Biology, Bose Institute, Kolkata, India