Transcriptome analysis reveals upregulated secondary metabolite pathways in micropropagated Lawsonia inermis L.

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Research Articles | Published:

DOI: 10.1007/s42535-023-00613-5
First Page: 1130
Last Page: 1138
Views: 1466

Keywords: Henna, Micropropagation, Transcriptome, KEGG Pathway, Secondary Metabolites


Henna plant (Lawsonia inermis L.) have been found to be useful, medicinally and commercially, due to its vast repertoire of secondary metabolites. The pigment lawsone (2-hydroxy-1, 4-naphthoquinone.) derived from the plant is the source of Mehendi, used for dying. This importance, creates huge supply pressure for the plant, which can’t be met by traditional farming specially in the obliteration of cultivable land due to characteristic changes in soil as a direct effect of global warming. There have been reports of low propagation from stem cuttings and seed. So, micropropagation remains the only tool, for large scale vegetative propagation, saving the plant from overexploitation. In this work, the plant was established in vitro, with hormonal manipulation. BAP 4 mg/L and a combination of BAP 2 mg/L and Kn 2 mg/L turned out to be the best hormones for shooting, producing 8 and 12 shoot buds respectively per explant. Significant rooting was seen in MS medium, highlighting the low cost of maintenance. Transcriptome analysis through the TRAPID platform showed significant difference in number of transcripts between in vivo and in vitro plant sets, with more transcripts for in vitro plants concerned with the maintenance of plant’s intricate machinery and protection against various stress. Pathway analysis by KEGG server revealed that in vitro plants have more enriched expression of the concerned pathways [terpenoid backbone biosynthesis pathway (7.14%), ubiquinone and other terpenoidquinone biosynthesis pathway (5%), phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway (11%), phenylalanine metabolism pathway (16%), and sesquiterpenoid and triterpenoid synthesis pathway (16%)], as compared to in vivo plants.

Henna, Micropropagation, Transcriptome, KEGG Pathway, Secondary Metabolites


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Author Information

Department of Botany, Dr. Kanailal Bhattacharyya College, Ramrajatala, Howrah, India